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Annual Well Woman Check-Ups: Why You Need Them

A Well Woman visit is an annual physical to monitor your reproductive health. It’s essential for identifying serious health concerns before they become life threatening. Many health concerns affecting the female reproductive organs do not present noticeable symptoms until there is a serious heath concern. Annual Well Woman check-ups lower your risk of serious health … Continued

Summit OB/GYN Featured in Reader’s Digest

Dr. Cohn was recently featured in a special article in Reader’s Digest, “9 Myths New Moms Should Stop Believing ASAP.” The article discusses the many misconceptions associated with motherhood and what you can do about the challenges you may face as a new parent. Click here to read the full article.

Important Steps to Take When Planning Your Pregnancy

Deciding to start a family is exciting. Did you know there are important lifestyle changes you should make before you get pregnant to prepare your body? Many women understand it’s important to take care of their bodies while they are pregnant, but it is equally important to make a few changes ahead of time to … Continued