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Frequently Asked Questions for Summit OB/GYN in Gillette, WY

  1. How often are my prenatal visits?
    • In an uncomplicated pregnancy, you’ll visit us every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, and then weekly until delivery.
  2. How many ultrasounds will I have?
    • In an uncomplicated pregnancy, you’ll have an ultrasound at one of your first visits and then a complete anatomy ultrasound between 20 and 22 weeks. We can identify gender at this ultrasound, if you wish to know.
  3. What can I expect at my first prenatal visit?
    • Your first visit is with a provider. She will take a detailed health and family history, as well as recommend what you should and shouldn’t do during your pregnancy.
  4. When should I schedule my first OB appointment after finding out I’m pregnant? 
    • We’ll schedule your first visit near the end of the first trimester.
  5. Is fetal genetic testing covered by my insurance?
    • Genetic testing is covered by most insurances, but coverage ultimately depends on your insurance company and individual risk factors.
  6. How do I get my prescription refilled? 
    • Call your pharmacy first, who will send us a refill request.  You must be seen at least annually for refills.
  7. How often should I have Well-Woman and Pap smear exams? 
    • You need to have a Well-Woman exam once per year, and we recommend having a Pap smear every 3 years starting at age 21. As you get older, these recommendations may change based on individual risk factors and previous test results.
  8.  What prenatal vitamins should I be taking? 
    • Over-the-counter prenatal vitamins have the recommended basic doses you need. In addition, we recommend taking a DHA supplement.
  9. What are some suggestions for dealing with morning sickness? 
    • Sniffing a fresh scent, such as lemon, can help relieve your nausea. Make sure you stay hydrated — which can be difficult if you’re having trouble keeping anything down, but snacking on ice chips or drinking tea without caffeine can help. Also, eating small meals throughout the day will keep food in your stomach without overtaxing your digestive system. This is the optimal balance for reducing nausea.
  10. What symptoms should be reported to my physician?
    • You should report leaking fluid, bleeding, decreased fetal movement and contractions.
  11. Can I continue to eat and drink foods that contain artificial sweeteners?
    • In general, we recommend avoiding artificial sweeteners. However, small amounts are safe to consume.
  12. May I travel while pregnant?
    • Most travel is okay. However, we recommend no airplane travel after 36 weeks and no traveling to Mexico, South America or the Caribbean due to the risk of contracting Zika virus.
  13. When should I bring my young daughter in for her first gynecological exam? 
    • First visit should be as a teen to meet an OB/GYN and understand what we do.
  14. What insurance plans do you accept, and will my visit and all related services be covered by my insurance?
    • We accept BCBS, Medicaid, Medicare, Cigna, UnitedHealthcare, Meritain, Aetna, First Choice, BAS, and EBMS. Your visit and/or procedures may apply to your deductible or copayment.
      • Deductible: The amount you’re responsible for paying for covered medical expenses before your health insurance plan begins to pay for covered medical expenses each year.
      • Coinsurance: Shared costs between you and the health insurance plan. For example, you pay 20% of costs and your plan pays 80%.  These percentages may be different from plan to plan. Some plans may not have coinsurance.
      • Copayment: The payment you make, usually a fixed dollar amount such as $15.00, each time you visit the doctor or fill a prescription medication. Not all plans have copayments. These typically do not accumulate toward the deductible.
      • Out-of-pocket maximum: The most you will have to pay for covered medical expenses in a plan year through deductible and coinsurance before your insurance plan begins to pay 100% of covered medical expenses.
  15. Which birth control is most effective? 
    • In general, reversible, long-acting contraception is most effective. However, the best contraception is based on individual need.

If you have any questions, please ask! For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 307-682-6263. You can also schedule an appointment using the easy online form at the top of this page.