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When Should I See a Gynecologist for the First Time?

As females grow into teens and college-age students, it is important for them to receive the right health care. Gynocology is the study of medicine that specializes in women’s health, specifically that of the reproductive system. Many doctors, including both Dr. Biggs and Dr. Cohn, are gynecologists as well as obstetricians. Obstetricians provide treatment during pregnancy and deliver babies. Understanding when to schedule the first gynecologist appointment can be helpful for a female’s overall health.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynocologists (ACOG) recommends that females have their first appointment between the ages 13 – 15, with a yearly wellness visit after that. Often called well-women visits, your gynecologist at Summit OB/GYN can catch small problems before they become bigger issues.

What to Expect During the First Gynecological Visit

During your first visit, you might have specific things to bring up with your doctor during your first appointment, like period issues, birth control options, and testing for sexually transmitted infections (STDs).

Gynecologists help females with with a variety of issues and concerns. Your concerns are most likely shared by many other young women. Many of these concerns are a normal part of growing up:

  • Cramps and problems with menstrual periods
  • Acne
  • Weight
  • Sex and sexuality
  • Birth control
  • STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
  • Alcohol, drugs, and smoking
  • Emotional ups and downs
  • Pap smears, a screening for cervical cancer, are not done until after the age of 21

In addition to the questions that you may have, you’ll need to be ready to provide a medical history. You’ll answer questions regarding:

  1. The first day of your last period,
  2. If you have painful or heavy periods and
  3. Your sexual activity (including vaginal, oral and anal sex)

If you are concerned about any information that you share, discuss confidentiality with your doctor at Summit OB/GYN beforehand. It is important to be honest and open.

Why Regular Gynecological Visits are Important

There are 3 reasons that regular gynecological visits are good habit to keep:

  1. Information. You can recieve accurate information as well as confidential answers to any questions you may have concerning your changing body, sex, sexuality, and menstruation.
  2. Prevention. You are able to learn about pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted diseases, and healthy lifestyles.
  3. Treatment. For females who experience missed periods, pain, or other reproductive problems, your Summit OB/GYN doctor can look into why the problems are occurring and offer treatment.

Your first gynecologist appointment is a start to a good habit. Dr. Biggs and Dr. Cohn at Summit OBGYN strive to make your first appointment an informative, positive experience. Call the Summit OBGYN office with questions or to schedule an appointment.