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Reducing Stress during Pregnancy

  How Stress Affects Your Pregnancy   Stress causes your body to release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. This is a natural response to prepare the body for fight or flight. The hormones then dissipate and your body returns to its balanced state. However if your body is experiencing long-term or chronic stress, the … Continued

How Can I Get Better Sleep While Pregnant?

Getting better sleep while pregnant Restful sleep throughout your pregnancy can be difficult. Each trimester there are things that make quality sleep tricky as your body makes room for a growing baby. Below are some tips to help you get a restful night’s sleep throughout your pregnancy, trimester-by-trimester. First Trimester Nausea. Morning sickness is not just … Continued

3 Facts about Cleft and Craniofacial Conditions for Expecting Parents

Cleft and craniofacial conditions affect thousands of infants, children, teens and adults in the United States each year. Some are born with congenital anomalies like cleft lip and palate, others with more complex, life-threatening craniofacial conditions. ( 1. One of the Most Common Birth Defects. One out of every 600 newborns is affected by cleft lip … Continued

What Should You Do When You Get Pregnant?

Having a baby changes everything. Whether you’ve been trying to conceive for some time, or your pregnancy is unexpected, congratulations are in order! At the same time, you may be asking: “What do I do now?” Here are some key things to do once your pregnancy is confirmed: If you smoke, stop. Don’t drink alcohol … Continued

Important Steps to Take When Planning Your Pregnancy

Deciding to start a family is exciting. Did you know there are important lifestyle changes you should make before you get pregnant to prepare your body? Many women understand it’s important to take care of their bodies while they are pregnant, but it is equally important to make a few changes ahead of time to … Continued